Saturday, January 31, 2009


Hello to all my friends! I am sorry I have not updated this more often, but our days and nights have been packed FULL of activities and studying. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I am praying it is not a Train!(LOL) Our COT class has our final PT test Monday AM(we start at 0515), then our final written test Tuesday. We head out for a 2 day simulated field exercise Tuesday night, and it runs through Thursday night. We were granted off base privileges this weekend, and MAN was it nice to see the outside world again. I never realized how much I enjoyed wearing my OWN clothes! I haven't usually been able to talk for long periods, but I have called home frequently. I have never been separated from my family for this long, and I cannot wait to see them all in 2 weeks!! Please keep me and my wingmen in your prayers as we complete this journey, and head off to our bases, to do our part to keep this great country of ours safe and free!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Week Two

I guess I better take a moment while I have it and update the blog. I talked to Keith over the weekend and they got a free weekend. If I remember correctly, he got a chance to run to the BX Friday night. Then Saturday they went bowling. He sounded pretty upbeat, which is always a good thing. I am so proud of him!
I am begining to see light at the end of the tunnel. I have made reservations for the graduation weekend, bought my dress for the dinner. I am so nervous ... and excited at the same time, lol.
I guess that is about it for now.

Have a great week everyone!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Howdy y'all! Believe it or not, we do get some down time here at officer training, although not much. This first week has been very challenging, including learning to march, learning protocols, how to speak to superiors, and the Military way of doing things. I think the hardest thing, by FAR, is being away from my family. Thankfully, I have been able to call home several times this week, if only for a few minutes each time. We were able to attend chapel Sunday, and there are several different types of services here on base. Several of us attended the "contemporary" service, and most of the praise songs were ones I knew. It made sense afterwards...the Chaplain is an AG minister. The biggest thing I am struggling with currently is my voice. Standing out in the cold all week has wreaked havoc on my throat. God willing, I will start to get my voice back this week. Please keep my Flight mates and me in your prayers, because we are learning to depend our great nation one profession at a time!

One week down .....

Well, I'm not really sure what to type today, so I'll just throw out some of the stuff that has happened over the past week.
Keith managed to call 4 times last week. The last time being last night. They survived the bitter cold that had creeped down into southern AL. He took his first test Saturday and aced it!

I spent all day Friday on the phone. Finally getting to find out about housing ... etc. Saturday I had our local Hygienist Assocition's president come over so I could show her how to do the website. Sunday was the important day .... I met with the realtor. We have officially listed the house. I am really praying and trusting God for the sale of our home. We are confident by going in fairly low and listing before Febuary we can get some bites!

I guess I had better get something constructive done here at the office!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

... but longer ....

Ok, day 1 of Keith's training and we have a melt down already. Man this just about killed me. Christina was taking her bath last night and just spontaniously burst into tears. I know, number one she is female and I do realize that this could be for absolutly no reason. Well, she wanted her Daddy! Of course I am trying to be as calm as I can. I just reminded her that this was just like Dad being at work. In her sweet little sad voice she squeaks out ... but longer! I almost lost it right then and there. All I can say is thank God for my Mother who swooped in while we were dresssing her and took over. Christina quickly got over her little spell. I talked her into a game of Princess UNO. It worked we taught Munnie how to play and that seemed to take her mind off of the situation.
The mind of a 5 yr old girl.

This was actually suppose to be posted on mine ... sorry. I never had a chance to move it.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Welcome to our blog! We will be updating this blog as I progress through officer training school(I leave tomorrow), and as we make the transition from TN to TX. I doubt I will get much time to call home while in training, but I will try to keep y'all updated through Alicia on here. Keep us in your prayers, and GOD BLESS!